The Community Health Assessment Program through Emergency Medical Services (CHAP-EMS) was inspired by the CHAP program model and the resultant  CHAP-EMS had been modified and expanded, producing a CHAP-like program that was notably different to the original CHAP model.

  • The goal of the Community Health Assessment Program through Emergency Medical Services (CHAP-EMS) was to develop and evaluate the uptake and feasibility of a community based program conducted by paramedics focused on the promotion and prevention of chronic conditions, predominately blood pressure and diabetes mellitus risk for individuals living in a subsidized housing building in the City of Hamilton, Ontario, characterized as low income, older adults of multicultural backgrounds with frequent calls to EMS.
  • Pilot project results indicated that the expanded scope of the paramedic role in community paramedicine provided the opportunity for an independent health care professional role and the program was subsequently able to grow in a different direction
  • The notion of CHAP being implemented in subsidized housing is further being explored, directly as a result of CHAP-EMS
  • Timeline: 2011 to early 2014