Grants and Awards

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Since 2000, the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) has received many grants and funding opportunities, as well as awards and recognition nationally and internationally.

Grants Received: 

Kaczorowski J, Canada chair in prevention and control of hypertension, CIHR-ICRH/Heart & Stroke/Hypertension, $1,125.00,00, 2017-2021

Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigator), Dolovich L, Daly T, Lussier MT, Agarwal G, Chiu M. Knowledge translation initiative to support the implementation of CHAP across Canada. Canadian Vascular Network, $190,000.00, 2017-2019

Stefan M-A, Kaczorowski J (Co-prinicipal investigators), Agarwal G, Lussier M-T, Haggerty J. Readiness assessment of implementing the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program in subsidized social housings in Quebec. Réseau-1 Québec, $19,909.00, 2016-2017

Liu P (Principal Investigator), Tu K, Tobe S, Tu J, Kaczorowski J. Accelerated Canadian AppliCation of Evidence to Practice Through Monitoring of Outcomes Research team Endeavour (ACCEPT-MORE). Vascular Network, $300,000.00, 2016-2018

Parkash R, Connolly S, Dorian P, Atzema C, Graham I, Kaczorowski J, Huynhthanh T. Canadian Community Utilization of Stroke Prevention Study – Focusing on Emergency Department Care (C-CUSP ED). Heart and Stroke Foundation, $268,635.00. 2016-2019

Beaulieu M-D, (chercheure principale désignée), Kaczorowski J, Légaré F, Pluye P, Vanasse AP, Boivin A, Dumez V, Mâsse B, Éthier J-F, Rahme E (chercheurs principaux). L’Unité de soutien à la recherche axée sur le patient du Québec (« Unité SOUTIEN SRAP-Qc ») les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) (16 M $) et ses partenaires, le MSSS (10,5 M $), le FRSQ (5,5 M $). Total: $32,000,000.00, 2014 – 2019.

Dolovich L, Agarwal G, Angeles RN, Cristobal F, Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigators), Agbulos RM, Arciaga R, Barrera JR, Fernando A, Guenter D, Halili S Jr, Jalani NT, O’Reilly D, Smith JF, Stobbe K, Thabane L, Tobe SW. Community Health Assessment Program in the Philippines (CHAPP). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Team Grant: Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes), $1,466,575.00, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), $508,100.00, Total: $1,972,675.00, 2015-2019

Kaczorowski J, Dolovich L, Lussier MT (Principal investigators), Forget M, Montigny M, Chambers LW, Drouin D, Fletcher A, Goeree RA, GoudreauJ, Grad RM, Lalonde L, Tardif JC, Thabane L. Implementation and Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program in Québec (CHAP-Qc). Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating grant (bridge funding), $100,000.00, 2014-2015

Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigator), Del Grande C, Kruger H, Tobe S. Structured inventory of evidence-based models for the effective prevention and management of vascular conditions in Canada. Vascular Network, $72,500.00, 2014-2016

Éthier JF, Cossette B (Principal Investigators), Joly-Minschlich T, Kaczorowski J, Lanthier L, Payette H, Ricard G. Amélioration de la prescription médicamenteuse pour la personne âgée hospitalisée. Programme de subventions Merck Sharpe & Dohme, $50,000.00, 2014-2105

Haggerty JL, Durand PJ, Groulx A (Co-Pis), Ahmed S, Archambault P, Beaulieu MC, Beaulieu MD, Boivin A, Bonin L, Couturier Y, Fortin M, Gagnon B, Grad RM, Hudon C, Kaczorowski J, Kucukyazici B, Lalonde L, Lang A, Legare F, Legare J, Li PT, Sanderson D, St-Pierre M, Tourigny A, Verter V. The Quebec Knowledge-1 Network: A Learning Community For Primary And Integrated Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (SPOR Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations – Quebec), $75,000.00; Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), $20,000.00; McGill University, $10,000.00; Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (Québec), $38,750.00; St. Mary’s Hospital Center, $6,250.00, Total: $150,000.00, 2014-2015

Agarwal G, Dolovich L, McDonough B (Principal Investigators), Chambers LW, Goeree R, Kaczorowski J, McLeod B, Thabane L. A Community Paramedicine Initiative for Older Adults Living in Subsidized Housing. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Operating grant), $370,979.00; 2014-2017

Stewart DJ (PI), Farrell J, Kelloway LJ, Lewis M, O’Callaghan CM, O’Neill BJ, Anand SS, Anderson TJ, Archer SL, Beanlands R, Black SE, Corbett DR, De Azeredo Coutinho T, Eisenberg MJ, Friedrich MG, Graham ID, Gramolini AO, Hamel E, Hegele RA, Husain M, Kaczorowski J, Khan NA, Kimmelman J, Krueger H, Liu PP, Mcalister FA, Michelakis ED, O’Brien ER, Perry JJ, Pilote L, Schiffrin EL, Smith, Stiell IG, Tanguay JF, Tobe SW, Tonelli M, Touyz RM, Tu JV, Tu K, Weisel RD, Wells PS, Wright GA. Vascular Network; Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $4,350,000.00;

Heart & Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery, $250,000.00;

Hypertension Canada, $500,000.00;

Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, $125,000.00; McGill University, $62,500.00;

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, $250,000.00;

ThéCell : Le réseau de thérapie cellulaire et tissuaire du FQRS, $150,000.00;

The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, $125,000.00;

Université de Montréal, $375,000.00;

University of Alberta, $125,000.00;

University of Ottawa Heart Institute, $250,000.00;

University of Western Ontario, $125,000.00;

Total: $6,687,500.00; 2013-2018

Daly T (Nominated PI), Ahmad F, (PI) Kaczorowski J, Angeles R, Srinivasan V , Syed I, Girard M, Chambers L (Collab), Xerri T (Collab). The Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) for the South Asian Community in York Region: Assessing volunteer participation and the gender and ethno-specific impacts. CIHR Partnerships for Health System Improvement grant funded through the CIHR Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) and by the Rx&D Health Research Foundation (HRF) – Fostering Innovation in Healthcare Initiative, $579,339, 2013-2018


Agarwal G (Nominated PI), Dolovich L (co-PI), McDonough B, McLeod B, Thabane L, Goeree R, Kaczorowski J, Chambers L. A Community Paramedicine Initiative for Older Adults Living in Subsidized Housing. CIHR Operating Grant. April 2014 – March 2017. $370,980


Dahrouge, S., Kaczorowski, J., Chambers, L., Dolovich, L., Birtwhistle, R., Barber, D., Kotecha, J., Liddy, C., Chomienne, M.H., Muldoon, L. The Champlain Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP). Optimizing the Quality of Chronic Disease Care in the Champlain LHIN: Cardiovascular disease prevention through improved integration of primary care and community resources. Champlain Local Health Integration Network, Health System Improvement Proposal. December 2013-March 2014. $188,635.50.


CIHR Operating Grant, $370,980, for Agarwal G (Nominated PI), Dolovich L (co-PI), McDonough B, McLeod B, Thabane L, Goeree R, Kaczorowski J, Chambers L. A Community Paramedicine Initiative for Older Adults Living in Subsidized Housing, April 2014 – March 2017.


Champlain Local Health Integration Network, Health System Improvement Proposal, $188,635.50, for Dahrouge, S., Kaczorowski, J., Chambers, L., Dolovich, L., Birtwhistle, R., Barber, D., Kotecha, J., Liddy, C., Chomienne, M.H., Muldoon, L. The Champlain Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP). Optimizing the Quality of Chronic Disease Care in the Champlain LHIN: Cardiovascular disease prevention through improved integration of primary care and community resources, December 2013-March 2014.


Canadian Stroke Network, $24,865.00, for Kaczorowski J. Introducing CHAP in Québec: A Knowledge Mobilization Strategy, 2013-2014.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Team Grant : Community-Based Primary Healthcare$2,496,974.00, for Kaczorowski J, Daly T, Dolovich L, Lussier MT (CO-PIs), Farrell J, Montigny M, Srinivasan V, Tobe SW, Ahmad F, Angeles R, Chiu M, Dahrouge S, Fletcher A, Goeree R, Goudreau J, Jones C, Lalonde L, McDonough B, Nadeau-Grenier V, Paterson M, South J, Syed I, Tardif JC, Thabane L, Tu K. Canadian Chronic disease Awareness and Management Program (C-CHAMP), 2013-2018.


Canadian Institues for Health Research : Meeting, Planning and Dissemination Grant, $25,000.00, for Kaczorowski J, Lussier MT, Chambers LW, Dolovich L (Co-Principal Investigators), Canadian Chronic disease Awareness and Management Program (C-CHAMP), 2011-2012.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research : Knowledge Translation Supplement, $96,532.00, for Dolovich L, Kaczorowski J, Chambers LW (Co-Principal Investigators), Scaling-up the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) across Canada, 2011-2012.


Ministry of Health Promotion (Ontario), Ontario Stroke System, $1,096,862.00, for Dolovich L, Chambers LW, Kaczorowski J (Co-principal Investigators) on behalf of the CHAP team, Reinforcing CHAP+AP as a sustainable community-based stroke prevention program for Ontario, 2008-2010.


Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion : Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Branch$500,000.00, for Kaczorowski J, Chambers LW, (Co-principal investigators), On behalf of the C-CHAP team, Community Cardiovascular Awareness Program (C-CHAP), 2006-2007.


Hypertension Community of Practice, Seniors Health Research Transfer Network : Communities of Practice, $20,000.00, for Kaczorowski J, Chambers LW (Co-principal investigators), on behalf of the CHAP team,  2006-2007.


Canadian Stroke Network, $ 1,000,000.00, for Kaczorowski J, Chambers LW (Principal Investigators), Karwalajtys T, Dolovich L, Farrell B, McDonough B, Sebaldt R, Levitt C, Hogg W, Thabane L, Tu K, Goeree R, Paterson M, Shubair M, Gierman T, Stevens R, Community Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (C-CHAP), 2006 -2008.


Canadian Stroke Network$256,703.00, for Jones C (Principal Investigator), Simpson SH, Mitchell D, Haggarty S, Campbell N, Then K, Lewanczuk RZ, Sebaldt RJ, Farrell B, Dolovich L, Kaczorowski J, Chambers LW (Co-investigators), Airdrie Cardiovascular Health Awareness and Management Program (A-CHAMP), 2005-2006.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research, $446,997.00, for Kaczorowski J, Chambers L (Principal Investigators), Black M, Dolovich L, Harmer M, Karwalajtys T, Levitt C, McDonough B, McKelvie R, Sellors C, Thabane L. (Co-Investigators), Community strategies to monitor high blood pressure among older adults: a randomized controlled trial (CHAT), 2002-2005.

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, $131,051, for Chambers L, Kaczorowski J (Principal Investigators), Community Peer Health Educator Program: Public Health Units, Family Physicians, Pharmacies, and Volunteer Associations Deploying Older Adults as Peer Health Educators to Promote Cardiovascular Health2002-2003.


Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, $329,782.00, for Kaczorowski J, Chambers L (Principal Investigators) and the CHAT program, Community-Wide Implementation of the Peer Health Educator Program for Monitoring Blood Pressure, 2003-2004.


Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, $112,908.00, for Chambers L, Kaczorowski J (Co-Principal Investigators), On behalf of the CHAP working group, Implementation Guidebook for the Community Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP), 2004-2005.